Why does the Sun burn us? It usually only requires about thirty minutes of sunlight a day to acquire a minimum dose. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. The sun has an amazing amount of heat and even though we only get a small amount of that heat, it's just the right amount for us. LA tops 1M Covid cases as cops bust three more 'super-spreader' parties. It takes the light of the sun eight minutes to reach us, and still it is only a fraction of the powerful heat generated by our star. Without heat and energy from the sun, life on Earth would not exist. With the dire warnings in mind, most of us apply sunscreen every day and seek out shade when we're outdoors, lest our skin come into contact with the sun's harmful UV rays. The Sun is the source of most of the energy that drives the biological and physical processes in the world around us—in oceans and on land it fuels plant growth that forms the base of the food chain, and in the atmosphere it warms air which drives our weather. The Sun also serves an important role in helping us to understand the rest of the astronomical universe. Sunlight and darkness trigger the release of hormones in your brain. Here's how one writer found out that the sun was good for her depression. on Saturday, December 29th, 2018 at 8:49 pm and is filed under Articles. Than the atmosphere, the air around us, can absorb that radiation – the Sun heats the planet but it’s the planet that turns around and heats the air. Read a short article on the six of the sun’s most important functions. How much energy could the sun give us? In short, without the life giving light of the sun, we would be a species lost. The length of time it takes the Earth to go around the sun once is 365 days, which we call one year. Sun Gazing, Surya Sun Yoga, and Sunlight research website, Sunlightenment Sun Gazing, Surya Sun Yoga, and Sunlight research, Six Important Things the Sun Does for You, http://www.helium.com/items/1225885-vitamin-d-sunlights-effect-on-the-body, Week 1: Why is Space Exploration Important? The Sun as a Star. There are many other things the sun does for us, as well. The water that is turned to moist air rises into the atmosphere where it is affected by temperature to fall as the precipitation the temperature dictates. This website is dedicated to the free discemination of information on the healing powers of the Sun and the spiritual practices of Sun Gazing and Surya (Sun) Yoga. Mercury and Venus have temperatures much hotter than most earth organisms could handle. 2hrs . The sun has actually created almost all of the energy we use today. The Sun is, as most people would say, very important to life on Earth. Indeed, people who sit under lamps that recreate the light spectrum of the sun have reported feeling happier and more energized. amazon_ad_tag = "sunlightenment-store-20"; amazon_ad_width = "468"; amazon_ad_height = "60"; amazon_ad_logo = "hide"; amazon_ad_link_target = "new"; amazon_ad_border = "hide";//-->. Sun exposure isn't all bad. You also may have realized how much light it provides us. 3) We can get solar energy unlimited. Light energy from the Sun can be converted into electricity. All of the light we see is really sunlight that is reflected or bounced off our moon. If plants couldn't use the sun to make nutrients, all living things on the planet would starve. Because it is so massive, it has immense gravity, enough gravitational force to hold all of that hydrogen and helium together (and to hold all of the planets in their orbits around the sun). Our moon gets some of the rays of the sun, but is still so much colder than what we have here. This lesson has five experiments that will begin to answer these questions. If water would exist on Mars and planets further out, they would be rocks of solid ice. We will- it’s what we do. Exposure to sunlight is thought to increase the brain’s release of a hormone called serotonin. According to NASA, one big event has been the switch of the Sun’s magnetic poles. Yes, it is the obvious perk of having a sun, but we would have nothing if there was no light. Without the Sun, Earth would be a cold wasteland. Regular controlled sun exposure is often prescribed for sufferers. Source: http://www.helium.com/items/1225885-vitamin-d-sunlights-effect-on-the-body, Tags: aging, brain, cancer, depression, glands, seasons, sleep, sunbathing, sunlight, vitamin d, vitamins, water,